Grail Knights Command
Released in March 1997 alongside the Idol of Gork campaign pack. Came as individual blisters for the champion, standard bearer, and musician. Also contained a Bretonnian Horse sprue. The Champion and Trumpeter both used the 74018/1 Grail Knight Legs with Lance
, whereas the Standard Bearer used 00541/1 Grail Knight Legs
Parts list
Name | Code |
Grail Knight Legs | 00541/1 |
Grail Knight Legs with Lance | 74018/1 |
Champion | 74018/2 |
Champion's Horse Head | 74018/3 |
Champion's Shield | 74018/4 |
Trumpeter | 74019/2 |
Trumpeter's Horse Head | 74019/3 |
Trumpeter's Shield | 74019/4 |
Standard Bearer | 74020/2 |
Standard Top | 74020/3 |
Standard Bearer 's Horse Head | 74020/4 |
Standard Bearer 's Shield | 74020/5 |
- Packaging
- Edition
- Material
- Year
- Faction
- Sculptor